Vlog – Talking with your Spirit Guides
Talking with your Spirit Guides
A Spirit Guide is the entity perceived by believers as the higher self. Spirit Guide serves as the bridge between the higher realms and the earth reality and as a guardian or guide.
In Shamanism the Spirit Guide is a totem animal.
Believers state that every person has one or more Spirit Guides who remain with the person from birth to death. At the time of death also, people believe that Spirit Guides help cross over.
Psychics are often aware of their Spirit Guides. They receive messages from the Guides in their dreams or through meditation. Children who have imaginary friends may be communicating with Spirit Guides.
The Catholic Church believes in a similar concept of Guardian Angels.
Those who believe in Spirit Guides, are known to often call upon them for guidance and protection during times of difficulty, danger and confusion.
Contact Tony Uberoi Psychic to book a Reading in person at his Toronto Studio, via FaceTime / WhatsApp video chat or voice call.
https://TonyUberoi.com for more information Tony Uberoi
https://EmotionalPower.ca for more info on the Emotional Power Program
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(416) 829-5750
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