Vlog – How Can Athletes Use Astrology & Numerology To Better Their Game
How can Athletes use Astrology and Numerology To Better Their Game:
A general answer or a formula looking at the Astrology or Numerology chart of an athlete is impossible as there are millions of permutations and combinations. However I have written below a list of the planets and how it helps the athletes. Needless to say the individual chart needs to be studied.
SUN: gives fame, quick recognition, a positive demeanour and helps the athlete become a winner.
MOON: blesses the athlete with a keen imagination, creative ideas and the ability to create a winning strategy. However the athlete should avoid mood swings.
JUPITER: bestows luck and gives leadership qualities. These athletes can easily become captains of their team, coaches and they can easily motivate the team. They must watch their weight.
URANUS: The athlete can think outside the box. They can suddenly surprise the opponent.
MERCURY: Gives speed. Versatility in the game and the ability to react and respond quickly.
VENUS: These athletes have stamina and magnetism. They should be careful not to get too involved with the opposite sex. This can cause distractions or scandals.
NEPTUNE: Winter sports, night sports are their Trump card. These athletes easily attract global fame.
SATURN: Gives these athletes patience, an eye for detail and discipline which makes them winners.
MARS: Best for sports requiring stamina, muscle and a fiery passion. Mars helps in almost any outdoor sport.
I can guide athletes make winning choices.
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