I’m a psychic’s wet dream
Original Post: https://montyollie.livejournal.com/85885.html.
Nov. 4th, 2005
Well today at lunch, I noticed a sign at the convention centre that the Psychic fair was on this weekend. And yesterday being payday and all, and what with some money burning a hole in my pocket, I went. I really wanted a palmist to tell me what that humungous indentation on the mound under my ring finger meant. Only two guys there did palmistry, and one looked to be a bit of a quack. The other guy, Tony Uberoi looked to be more my speed. So I coughed up the $75. OUCH!
But he was good — really good. Well, he’s just the channel… but the information was good. Of course he didn’t tell me anything I all ready didn’t know. But it was so powerful at one point that I did actually get chills.
Okay, first off, let me say that I know a lot of this is going to sound like egotistical nonsense, but oh well. I’ve always known I was destined for greatness. Always. I also know that I was born one of the luckiest people alive, and as one astrologer once quipped, “Jo, you could fall out of a plane and bounce.” I know it. My life is one bolt of good luck after another. And ANYONE who has ever looked at either my astrological chart, my numerology, my palms and/or my aura tells me the same thing. Holy crap.
In fact, this guy actually told me today that he does this all day, every day, and perhaps once every three years he sees someone like me. I’m as special as they come. And I know it. I didn’t bat an eye when he said that, because I’ve had visions of psychics saying that to me… I know I’m extraordinary. I know I’m destined for extraordinary things.
I often call myself Jo Blow or “just the average guy” kind of tongue in cheek, because I know it’s not true. It’s false modesty, maybe?
Some years ago, I remember during a meditation, I had a ‘vision’ of sorts, or should I say a revelation. I knew that so long as I was polluting my body (sex, drugs, booze, smokes) I would never become “one with the universe” and rise to my fullest potential. It was around that time I started eliminating toxins and crappy behaviours out of my life.
One of the things Tony kept reiterating today was that I am destined to meet some guy and fall and love and he will be yin to my yang and all that… I told him I was asexual and he got visibly agitated. He told me that my current asexuality was all wrong, and that it was my way of holding back the dragon within. I told him about how I used to sleep around with thugs I met in bars, and without batting an eye he told me that would be better than the life I live now. It was rather funny. I told him that I don’t want to devote my energies to one person when I can devote them to making the world a better place, and he kind of shook his head.
At the end of the reading, he told me to pick four decks of tarot cards, and a fifth for a past life reading. It was FREAKY BANG ON THE MONEY. I read Tarot cards, and I know how they work. I also know you can read anything into them.
The past life deck actually was the one that gave me chills, because they didn’t have words or symbols or anything… just almost pencil drawings of scenes. The first two he flipped were a lonely woman and a woman walking away from a dove. I do know from previous past life visions that I was a lonely old woman in a past life who turned my back on peace as a protective measure. It was surreal to see it out there like that.
He kept reiterating that I needed to get out of this emotional hole, and that August was a huge turning point for me, and the next 21 years will be all uphill. August was when I stopped worrying about what other people thought of me.
I asked him how I was supposed to do this, and he looked me right in the eye and said YOU NEED SPONTENAITYY IN YOUR LIFE!
I don’t know what to think. I’ll have to listen to the tape, but sadly, I don’t think I have a functioning tape deck around here. I’ll have to bring it to mom’s, and reflect a bit more.
And on that note…
Grateful for:
— knowing that this isn’t all there is
— yapping with Veronique, the streetcar driver, at the Psychic fair
— musing about buying a house and surfing MLS
— milk chocolate chips
— my new crock pot!!!!!