Vlog – Emotional Detachment in Relationships
Emotional Detachment in Relationships
When hurt in relationships like close friendships or love, a stage comes where a person doesn’t wish to be hurt anymore. As a defence mechanism, a victim resorts to Emotional Detachment.
It is the evasion, pushing away or detachment to Emotionally protect and avoid emotional pain or anxiety.
Usually this is a temporary situation and Emotional healing can help.
People who perceive they are victims in relationships, first of all reduce the number of people in their close circle. Secondly, they break or reduce the communication to a minimum. Thirdly they avoid social gatherings. Not just in person but even on the internet like zoom. They create a challenge for others to communicate or maintain a relationship.
Children who feel, “I am not loved” or “I am not understood” resort to Emotional detachment very early in life.
Persons suffering from Emotional detachment, appear calm. The calm should not be misunderstood. Silence on the surface, could be a camouflage to pain that runs deep.
If this Emotional detachment is not healed in time, it becomes their new normal way of being.
Contact Tony Uberoi Psychic to book a Reading in person at his Toronto Studio, via FaceTime / WhatsApp video chat or voice call.
https://TonyUberoi.com for more information Tony Uberoi
https://EmotionalPower.ca for more info on the Emotional Power Program
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(416) 829-5750
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