Vlog – Trance – Altered State Of Consciousness
Trance – Altered State Of Consciousness
Trance is an altered state of consciousness. It can occur spontaneously or be induced by hypnosis, via sensory deprivation or by Shamans.
Trance is the state between sleeping and waking. In this half conscious state a person is focusing on internal thoughts and visions and is unaware of what is happening around them.
A medium goes into a trance when he or she connects with a spirit. Rhythmic chanting, music and movement can bring a person into a trance.
Contact Tony Uberoi Psychic to book a Reading in person at his Toronto Studio, via FaceTime / WhatsApp video chat or voice call.
https://TonyUberoi.com for more information Tony Uberoi
https://EmotionalPower.ca for more info on the Emotional Power Program
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(416) 829-5750
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