Vlog – Reading the past: Retrocognition & Vastu Consultations
Reading the past: Retrocognition & Vastu Consultations
This phenomenon is the opposite of precognition.
Retrocognition, also known as post cognition is the ability to sense or see the past with psychic gifts.
Psychics possessing this paranormal ability are able to describe the past without any recourse to information of past events.
Retrocognition is useful in reconstructing the past for psychic criminology. The police are known to have taken the help of psychics to solve crimes.
Objects at the place of crime are used by psychics. This is known as psychometry. Holding the objects give the psychics a sense of past happenings. During deep psychometric experiences, psychics are known to smell or taste things from the past.
Retrocognition can occur simultaneously through dreams and visions. Gifted psychics are known to have connected with the spirit of the victim in cases like violent murders.
Contact Tony Uberoi Psychic to book a Reading in person at his Toronto Studio, via FaceTime / WhatsApp video chat or voice call.
https://TonyUberoi.com for more information Tony Uberoi
https://EmotionalPower.ca for more info on the Emotional Power Program
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(416) 829-5750
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